Canadian Football Players That Are Worth Paying Attention to in the 2022 Season

The Canadian Football League is one of the most popular Canadian football competitions in the country. Nine of Canada’s best teams compete in this tournament, which has been going on for the past 64 years. In 2022, the Canadian Football League underwent a serious change. The league now features a 21-week regular season, with each of the nine teams participating in 18 games. The current champions of the league are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, who have won their 9th title. However, the undisputed champs are the Edmonton Elks, with 11.

We are currently 1/3 into the Canadian Football League 2022 season, and already people have been discussing the best players, the best odds, and the top scorers. Quite a lot of money is also riding on which teams will be winning the league title this year, with many sportsbooks offering some great odds. Among these bookmakers, DraftKings is offering some of the best odds-on Canadian football matches, especially ones associated with the CFL. They are one of the best sportsbooks for having a wager on the CFL and very easy to use. If you have never used DraftKings sportsbook before, click here for a simple and straightforward guide on how to bet with the book.


Teams Worth Keeping an Eye On

When it comes to the CFL 2022, the teams are divided by their geographic divisions. In the East Division, we have four teams, the Argonauts, the Tiger-Cats, the Alouettes and the Redblacks. While in the West Division we have the Blue Bombers, Stampeders, Roughriders, Lions and Elks. The teams that most will want to pay attention are undoubtedly the Elks and the Blue Bombers, as these are the two most successful CFL teams in the league’s history. However, other teams to keep an eye out on are the Stampeders and Roughriders, both of which have won four of their matches so far.

In the East Division, the Argonauts are in the lead. Although they have only one two games in the first seven weeks, that still puts them ahead of their three competitors, two of whom have only one 1 game, and one which has not won a single game yet.

Predictably, the Blue Bombers are in the lead in the West Division, with all six games won. But now that you are aware of the teams, let us look at some of the players.


Players to Look Out For

Naturally, we must first look at the players on the Blue Bombers’ side. It is Winnipeg’s goal to win the CFL this year. However, they are playing more for it, as if they win, it will be their third straight year as champions. This feat has not been accomplished in a very long time.

Naturally, when looking at a football team, we must look at the quarterback. Zach Collaros is known far and wide as the league’s most valuable player. Capable of holding up both offensive and defensive lines, Collaros is certainly one of the top players to keep an eye out in 2022. That being said, the Blue Bombers have a newcomer in their midst. Dakota Prukop has departed from the Edmonton Elks and is now running in blue.

Moving a bit away from the Blue Bombers and away from quarterbacks as well, let’s look at Kenny Lawler, a wide receiver who only recently left the Blue Bombers in favor of the Edmonton Elks, for whom he is playing in 2022. Coming from the American NFL, Kenny has certainly proved himself as a competent receiver on all fronts, and his time with Winnipeg proved that he has quite a lot to bring to the game.

Last, but not least, we are looking at the Alouettes’ William Stanback, who started his professional career playing for one of America’s most notable NFL teams, the Green Bay Packers. After his debut, he was drafted by the Alouettes, with whom he spent two seasons, before switching over to the Las Vegas raiders. Finally, in 2020, he returned to the Alouettes, with whom he has been playing ever since. Not only is Stanback far more experienced, having played for an extended period in both the NFL and the CFL, but he also has built up quite the rapport with his team, which is certain to give him an advantage in the field.

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