CFC100 QB Vaillancourt taking every opportunity to improve

With all the CFC combines coming up so quickly it can be hard to keep track of all the talented players that will be in attendance. But if there is one player you will want to see, then you will be at the Calgary combine February 1st to watch CFC100 quarterback Xavier Vaillancourt go to work.

The junior from Cochrane High School not only has the statistics and accolades of a great quarterback in the making, but also has the build. He stands at 6 foot 3 and weighs in a 210 pounds, which allows Xavier to see over his offensive linemen with ease and makes him hard to take down in the pocket. But this is not to say that his skills are purely as a passer, for he managed to score 9 touchdowns this past season rushing. However, passing the ball is his primary job and he excels brilliantly in that aspect too, by throwing over 3000 yards and 38 touchdowns on a 55% completion percentage. And if his size and numbers did not impress you enough then hopefully his attitude will, “My love for the game of football started when I was a young boy watching NFL Game Day on Sunday mornings. Since then my appreciation for the game has continued to grow.”

However, with the combine right around the corner, Vaillancourt is taking every opportunity to improve. Working with a variety of football camps and academies both at home and across the border. In addition, he weight trains at his high school and works with a personal quarterback coach to improve his agility and throwing ability. But Xavier does not just outsource his support team; he has a strong team behind him at home as well,

“My mom is a teacher and my dad is a volunteer community football coach in his spare time and they have been good role models for me growing up… For the first six years of my football career my dad was my coach, this meant I always had a training partner or just someone to throw the ball with.”

With his attention fully on the combine, Xavier is not worrying about anyone else who might be there but himself. He has experience participating in similar events that have not only given him the confidence to succeed in the upcoming combine but has given him the ability in footwork and passing drills as well was 1 on 1 drills and full scrimmages. But as a quarterback, great footwork and arm talent are just the tip of the iceberg. The best of the best are equally as capable as students of the game as they are athletes, which is another mark that Xavier checks off,

“Whether I brought it to football or football gave it to me, I have always been able to analyze a situation well. I can process information quickly and I am a responsible, resilient and reliable team member. Football is the ultimate team game and no one player can carry a team. Both the wins and losses in my career have given me the opportunity to learn to overcome challenges, which is a lesson that applies to all areas of life.”

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Xavier is already a member of the CFC100 and looks to climb the rankings with a strong performance at the combine. But with scheduled parent-coach meetings with some of the top university programs across the country, for any teams that have not discovered Vaillancourt, the bandwagon is quickly filling up. Between the impending CFC events, a summer filled with training and rep team games, and of course his final season at Cochrane High School, Xavier’s stock is only going to rise.

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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