#CFCHSFB (ONT – Waterloo): Highlanders’ Froome has proven versatility on the gridiron

David Froome is a jack-of-all-trades, as he plays offence and defence. He is currently in grade 12 at Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School in Waterloo, and is a vital part of the senior boys Highlanders.

Froome is experienced on the gridiron and enjoys being on the field as much as possible.

“I have been playing tackle football since grade nine, at the age of about 14,” said Froome. “I play wide receiver, defensive back and occasionally Sam linebacker. I enjoy being on both sides of the football as it gives me the opportunity to play for a majority of the game and make plays.”

His involvement in athletics throughout his life, particularly rugby, has helped him reach his current skill level in football.

“Playing sports all through my life and being active/working out,” commented Froome. “For me, rugby really helped because it’s more raw and I find that it’s a good way to learn good technique that can be transferred to football.”

Earlier in high school, he faced some adversity, but in the long run it was beneficial for him.

“As a grade 10, I had to play on the senior team because of my date of birth, which meant that instead of starting on the junior team with my friends, I was a sixth-string wide receiver playing with kids, in some cases, four years older than me,” stated Froome. Looking back at this, however, it’s something that really helped me because I got to learn how football operates at a senior level and gain some experience from some of my teammates. This year, I came into the season with a broken finger and torn tendon from playing summer rugby, and have just recently broken another finger on the same hand, which could require surgery. Unfortunately, this could end my season.”

Froome attributes a majority of his growth to his high school coaches.

“At SJAM, I believe that we have some of the best coaches in high school sports,” said Froome. “If it wasn’t for Coach Alexander, Coach Hardy and our special teams coaches, I would not be where I am today. They put in a great deal of work behind the scenes, as well as on the field helping to develop this program along with its players. I really appreciate what they do and how hard they work.”

He plans on playing the sport for as long as he can.


Photo Credit: Charity Matheson


Photo Credit: Charity Matheson


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