Clutch win

OFC: Toronto Jr. Argos overwhelm Wild

The Varsity Toronto Jr. Argos start the year 1-0 as they defeat the Nipissing Wild 21-9. The game was controlled by the Jr. Argos from beginning to end, as their second team was able to play almost half of the game.

Quarterback Chris Sharanewych started the game, but was replaced by Calvin Vaughn soon after. “Both quarterbacks are fantastic and have their own strengths, so we will be using whoever has the hot hand”, says head coach Carlo Onorati.QB to no. 18 Hibbert

Key offensive players included receiver no. 1 Adam Adeboboye, who made several clutch passes during the game including a touchdown catch where he ripped the ball out of the defender’s hands to make the catch. At about half time, Adeboboye was hit very hard and spent the remainder of the half limping on and off the field. Luckily for the Jr. Argos, coach Onorati is confident that he will be able to play next weekend in Peterborough, “Adam is a tough kid and was only limping due to a bad Charlie horse.”

Hard hit on Adam Adeboboye

Other offensive standouts included no. 7 Abhinna Acharya, no. 80 Matthew Crocker and no. 18 Isaiah Hibbert who all made clutch catches and ran for huge gains. One of the most exciting moments was watching no. 20 Trevel Thomas-Wright return a kick for a touchdown. “You can’t coach speed,” Comments Onorati.

no. 18 Isaiah Hibbert

The Jr. Argo defense played well after some nervous play at the beginning of the game. “Once they settled down they really played bend but don’t break defense and shut down the running attack of the Wild,” says Onorati. No. 34 Nicolas Campbell made a clutch interception deep in Jr. Argo territory to keep the Wild from scoring another touchdown.

No. 36 Marcus Moore

Next week the Jr. Argos will be playing Peterborough in the first away game of the season. “We will be preparing very hard this week. We will not be looking backwards at our success last week at all,” says Onorati.

Peterborough lost their first game of the season against the very strong Sudbury Gladiators, so they will be a tough opponent for the Jr. Argos. The game will be at 4:00PM at Kenner Field in Peterborough.

*All photos by Hannah McGregor

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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