DE Cormier plays with a chip on his shoulder and rage in his step

#50 Zach Cormier

Tantramar Titan, DE Zach Cormier, attended high school in Sackville, New Brunswick, despite living on the other side of the Trans Canada Highway, in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Cormier chose TRHS over the local school for the higher academic standard and the fact that the Nova Scotia school didn’t have a high school football program. The chance to play as a Titan appealed to Cormier and he snapped it up.

In electing to attend TRHS, Cormier’s family was responsible for all costs and aspects of his transportation. This resulted in early mornings and late nights, especially during football season. “It was worth it, all the extra time and commitment, I’m glad I did it” stated Cormier reflecting on his decision.

At 6’2 and 225 Cormier asserted himself this year as an athletic, and barbaric defensive end.

Cormier moves quickly through precise and appropriate angles, and pursues with a disciplined proficiency. Despite this great athletic control, he often plays with a chip on his shoulder and rage in his step.

“I play angry, I like hitting guys”, Cormier says matter of factly.

Despite enjoying the physical aspect of the game, Cormier also enjoys the mental aspect of the game. “D line lets me think creatively. I like thinking of moves and counter moves to beat my guy” he adds.

Cormier prepared for each game anticipating ways to beat his blocker. Visualizing and planning various angles of attack combined with shedding techniques. His process worked, as Cormier proved difficult for many NB offensive linemen to stop this season.

He credits his development to the Titan’s coaching staff, but also to playing in the Canada Cup the past two years. “It’s great, you get exposure to NB’s best coaches and you can compete against the Country’s best.”

#50 Zach Cormier

Aside from his role on defense, Cormier played tackle on the line that paved the way for CFC 100 Aidan O’Neal’s 2000 yard season. He also played key roles on the Titans special teams units.

Cormier received recruiting attention from McGill University, University of Waterloo, Ottawa U, SMU, St. FX, Acadia University, and Mount Allison University. Cormier hopes to become a physician, and chose to become an Axeman so he can study Kinesiology at Acadia in preparation for becoming a medical doctor.

Cormier is preparing for U Sports football by lifting with teammates, and plans to start running once the weather is favourable to being outside as winter clears out.

He plans on attending Acadia’s spring camp so he can watch the team practice, lift, and study. Zach hopes to gain perspective on how to prepare both mentally, and physically for the next level.


Zach Cormier
6’2, 225lbs

Team(s): Tantramar Regional high school (NBIAA)
Official Visits: none
Considerations: open
Commitment: Acadia
Class: 2017

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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