De Shawn Le Jour plays with an edge that comes from deep within

Photo courtesy of De Shawn Le Jour (1)

There aren’t too many players where you can feel the passion and intensity come at you when they start talking about their love of football and their journey. Athlete De Shawn Le Jour is one of these players.

Playing for eight years now, he didn’t start out playing football as his father put him in basketball to start. He said he was good at it, but it wasn’t his “love”. His Dad then tried him at baseball and Le Jour said he “hated it” and begged him to put him into football.

“Once I turned nine,  and I was eligible, it’s been my love ever since. The overall competitive nature of the sport I love. I love to compete and just playing with the guys you grew up with – it truly is the ultimate team sport,” Le Jour explained.

De Shawn recalled his first touchdown:

“My most memorable memory from football is my very first touchdown. I was 11 years old because my first two years I played defense. I was playing running back and that’s when I got into my “zone”. I hit the middle hole and everything went blank. I ran 70 yards and never looked back,” he said. “I remember standing in the end zone and seeing my dad jump up and down just screaming “that’s my boy” and it really solidified that this is what I wanted to do.”

You can hear in his voice the emotion when he speaks about his father and the incredible influence that he has had in his son’s life. Le Jour said his Dad is really the first person that comes to mind when thinking about this impact.

“He had worked his whole life trying to just get by and my whole life he had instilled what it is to be a man. He is the hardest working person I know and someone that I will forever look up to.”

Playing at multiple positions (receiver, returner, and safety), Le Jour identifies the most as a receiver and tries to model his game after Randy Moss.

“With me being 6’3, almost 6’4, I model my game after Randy Moss. Him being my favorite receiver all time just with him being so big and quick and his jumping ability,” he said. “I try to emulate that because we do share similar traits with being able to get open with speed and make plays on special teams. He just does it a lot better than I ever could.”

We all know what Randy Moss is all about, but what is it that has this young athlete burning up inside to be the best?

“Football is an escape for me. Cliche answer as it might be, but for the 2 hours during practice or hour and a half for a game the game slows down and everything is silent and I’m just focused. It’s really just helped me stay away from the life my brothers have chosen and people around me,” he stated.

He said that his position “fits him as a person”. Le Jour mentions that receiver is usually the “flashy, confident guy” which describes him, however, it’s not all that he is about. Being rough and more aggressive than the average receiver is what gives him an edge when facing his opponent.

Looking ahead to the this next high school season, De Shawn plays for the Johnson Wildcats and is hungry to help his team win their first championship.

“I am most looking forward to play on a championship contending team. With me never winning one, I want one and my school deserves one. If you ask anyone, I’m very prideful about my school. I love my school and the people in it and I want to do it for them,” De Shawn said.

If this is the type of dedication and love his has for his high school, imagine the commitment he is going to have once he hits that next level. And trust me, this kid wants that bad. He said his school plans are to take Criminal Justice and become a police officer.

“I want to make a change in people’s lives and I want to be known for more than just a football player,” he said. “As for football, I want to go pro. That’s what I’ve dreamed about since a kid and I don’t see anything getting in my way now. I’m focused and I want it so bad and I will not take ‘No’ for an answer.”

With the recruiting process bound to increase for this young athlete, he said it’s been “fun” so far. He has had Queen’s University and the Regina Rams contact his coach. As well as the Regina Thunder in Prairie Football Conference have shown interest.

“The process is so fun because it’s kind of like a little treat for my hard work as to where people want me to play for them and it is showing that hard work really does pay off.”

Photo courtesy of De Shawn Le Jour (credit: Dheilly Fire Photography)

While De Shawn hasn’t put any one school ahead of another, he is looking for a friendly environment that will suit his academic pursuits and that will allow him to succeed in both his studies and in football.

“Wherever I end up going, I look to work my way to be a starter and help contribute to the team and win a championship because that’s ultimately what it’s all about. I never want to become complacent and just be okay with playing at the next level, I will always be hungry for more,” he exclaimed.

And he doesn’t think he will any trouble adjusting to this next level as he said he will “attack” it head on and work extremely hard every day to improve his football skills and abilities in order to be the best. In the off-season, he puts his own workout in with getting up five days a week at 10am to do football drills and ladder drills alone. He then heads to the gym for more training.

He has also been able to attend a few camps and combines in order to learn more football wise and to get some additional coaching on the field.

“I have attended the top prospects camp and was the runner up for the MVP receiver. I think I held my own and showcased my ability very well,” he said. “I had also attended a Minot State camp where, to be honest, I had struggled with some of the rules and the hand fighting was a big part. When I came home after that, I left mad, but determined and it’s been something I have been working on since.”

Having a plan for the future, but looking to win a provincial championship for his senior year, he wants to solidify himself as one of the top talents in Regina. With the amount of confidence, passion, and dedication, this young athlete has, no doubt he is going to accomplish all that he has set out to do.


De Shawn Le Jour (#1)
6’3, 180lbs

Teams: Lions Eskimos (Atom RMF), Patriots (Pee Wee RMF), Lakers (Bantam RMF), F.W. Johnson Wildcats High School
Official visits: n/a
Unofficial visits: n/a
Considerations: open
Commitment: none
Class: 2018

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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