Everything FS/QB Boone does relates to sports

Jared Boone put up some impressive numbers in 2016 for the Grant Park Pirates. In Jared’s third season of football, he earned 4 interceptions, 20 tackles, 7 knockdowns, 300 rushing yards and 150 passing yards.

“I like playing free safety because it gives me the opportunity to make a play on jump balls and balls thrown in the middle and it also allows me to come down out of my break and make the tackle,” explained Jared. “Playing wide receiver allows me to show my skills in the open field and be able to break a tackle and get big yards.”

Photo credit: Glenn Dickson

Jared has modeled his style of game after the Dallas Cowboys’ Dez Bryant, Jared mentioned,I think I model my game after Dez Bryant because I am a good open field runner and I am aggressive when the ball is in the air.”

In university, Jared is planning on going into kinesiology. Jared plans to play football at either: Queens, University of Manitoba, or Crookston in Minnesota.

Jared has had meetings with Queens and Waterloo. He’s also been to a recruitment camp with Crookston, and a recruitment information meeting with the University of Manitoba.

At this time Jared’s options are still open, but his top three schools of choice are: Queens, Crookston, U of M.I am looking forward to getting a good education and I am looking forward to the competition and the high intensity at the next level,” replied Jared.

Jared thinks he’ll be able to adjust pretty good to the next level of football because he’s a very competitive guy, and he enjoys training and being the best he can be. Jared’s personal expectations are to make an impact on offence, and possibly crack the starting line.

To improve for next season, Jared is weight training 6 times a week, training cardio every day, and speed training twice a week.

The most influential people in Jared’s life have been his parents because they showed him to work hard for what you want to achieve. Jared’s friends on his football team have influenced him to work harder by pushing him and motivating him every day.


Football and sports in general mean a lot to Jared, he explained, “Football and sports in general mean a lot to me because I have been playing basketball for 9 years and the skills from basketball are closely related to the skills required for football, athletics is my life everything I do is somehow related to sports.”

One of the most memorable football experiences for Jared was in grade 10 and his team was playing the Vincent Massey Trojans. The game was a gridlock until the last play of the game when Massey kicked a field goal, missed, and Grant Park’s returner was tackled in the end zone and Vincent Massey won by one point. This really showed Jared the importance of knowing about football and all the rules and knowing the possible outcomes.

During his three years of football, Jared has learnt the importance of health and staying in shape.

Jared Boone
Free safety, Wide receiver, Quarterback, Returner
6’0, 165 lbs

Teams: Grant Park Pirates (WHSFL)
Commitment: none
Official Visits: none
Considerations: open
Class: 2018

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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