Fox 40 profile (#CFCFPC): DB Gratton looking to gain skills and exposure


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Brendan Gratton began playing and learning about the game of football in a developmental league in the spring of 2014.

The following spring he played for the Hamilton Hurricanes, and with the bantam Jr. Tiger-Cats in the fall.

In spring 2016, the defensive lineman continued to play with the Jr. TiCats in the Ontario Football Conference (OFC), where he won a provincial championship.

Currently, he is playing for his high school team, the Blessed Trinity Thunder in the Niagara Regional High School Athletics Association (NRHSAA), at the junior level.

“My goals for the Ontario Prospect Challenge (OPC) are to further develop my skills and experience as well as to gain exposure to additional coaching techniques,” said Brendan.

During the offseason, the Thunder attends various football training and conditioning camps, as well as doing weight and cardio training at home.

Additionally, on the field, his idol is Tom Brady because of his hard work and determination.

“I love to play the game of football because it teaches life lessons, accountability, and how to set and achieve goals,” commented the 14-year-old.

Brendan Gratton
Position: Defensive lineman
Height/Weight: 5’8”, 195lbs
Teams: Blessed Trinity Thunder (NRHSAA), Hamilton Jr. Tiger-Cats (OFC)
Class: 2020




Register now for the 2016-2017 Fox 40 Prospect Challenge (formerly OPC)




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