Looking Back at How Kristie Elliot Changed the Game

There is no doubt that we live in a progressive age, and yet it is easy to forget how much inequality can be present in some areas of society. While this isn’t always a blanket bad thing, most will agree that more representation should be desired in places where a certain demographic takes centre stage. One example of this is gambling as it is clear that most of the player base is males. This is true for both casino gambling and sports betting, and eager sports fans can use a list of betting promo codes for the best experience possible.

Similar to what can be seen in gambling, many sports are also traditionally male, such as football. However, those who are into their Canadian football might know that this is something that is being improved in the sport, and one only must cast their minds back to last year to see the best example of this in action. Kristie Elliot is a name that will likely always be remembered in Oregon and this is because the Simon Fraser University player managed to break a record within the sport.

In September of last year, Elliot scored against Linfield University, making history in the process. This is because up to this point, no Canadian woman had ever played in a college football game, let alone score in one. Given this, it is clear that Elliot managed to break not just one, but two records. Back in September, Elliot said after the game “It’s amazing, it’s cool. I’ve gotten so much support from around the world”.

For those who are not in the know, the SFY football team resides in the NCAA II division. They aren’t the greatest team around, and it might surprise some to learn that SFY lost the September game 56-20 to Linfield University. However, the tale of the night wouldn’t have focused on the score line. Instead, the talk of the town would have been how Elliot scored two points by converting a touchdown twice in the game. That gives Elliot a high accuracy statistic, making it clear why she is the team’s kicker.

The story becomes even more interesting when it is revealed how Elliot earned her place in the team. Despite not showing an interest in football at all, Elliot could not resist joining the team after making a bet that she could kick a 40-yard field goal. This claim was then recorded and sent to the coach for proof, who then encouraged Elliot to stick at her craft, clearly showing the talent that she possesses.

The fact that Elliot is on the team and also demonstrated a great performance is highly beneficial for the sport and society as a whole, as it shows that women have the same capability as men when it comes to competitive sports. The team has more than 90 male players, but after getting the keys to her own locker room, Elliot hopes that she will inspire more women to get involved with sport, saying “Given my situation and experience, I want girls to know they can do anything”.

Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.

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