Montreal looks like favourite

Montreal Transit shut out Sudbury 56 to 0 and look to be early season favourites.

Josh Gauthier led the Sault Ste. Marie ground attack with two touchdowns and 195 yards on 12 carries.

Wayne Jacobs picked up his first win as head coach as the Ottawa Invaders defeated the Toronto Raiders 33-12. Quarterback Jeff Hildreth threw for three touchdowns. Andrew Foss caught two and Bobby Massie caught one, while Adam Gourgon added a fourth on the ground.


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2013 Northern Football Conference Game 9 Summary

Oakville Longhorns     0     at     Sault Ste. Marie Steelers     49


Steelers improve to 2-1, Longhorns drop to 0-2


Qtr.        Team     Time      Play                                                                       Convert                                 Running


1st            Soo         8:59        Rob Green, 3 yard run                                        Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 7-0

1st            Soo         13:19     Josh Gauthier, 14 yard run                                                Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 14-0

1st            Soo         14:59     Matt Gauthier, 39 yard interception return    Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 21-0

2nd           Soo         7:05        Rob Green, 3 yard run                                        Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 28-0

2nd           Soo         9:20        Josh Gauthier, 30 yard run                                                Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 35-0

2nd           Soo         12:03     Matt Buchan, 9 yard run                                   Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 42-0

3rd           Soo         11:26     Aaron Bertolo from Rob Green, 15 yards      Kyle Gauthier                       Soo 49-0



Oakville                                                Sault


Rushing (att.-yds.)                               25-40                                                     29-382

Passing Yards                                       42                                                           146

– Team Losses                                      6                                                              0

Net Offence                                          76                                                           528

First Downs                                           6                                                              24

Return Yards                                        108                                                         58

Fumbles-Lost                                       3-1                                                          0-0

Interceptions by                                   0                                                              3

Penalties-Yards                                    5-55                                                        6-55



LONGHORNS                                    STEELERS


Rushing (atts.-yds.)                             David Stopa 4-21                                                Josh Gauthier 12-195, 2 tds

Greg Slocum 9-19                                James Castellani 9-112

Liston Bates 1-4                                  Nathan Edwards 3-42

Receiving (cat.-yds.)                           Chris Hibbert 1-24                               Aaron Bertolo 3-39, td

Lindel Merraro 2-18                            Kyle Gauthier 1-37

Todd Hicks 1-34

Passing                                                  Greg Slocum 3-10-3                            Rob Green 6-9-1-0

(comp.-atts.-tds-int)                                                                                            Kyle Gauthier 1-1-0-0

Tackles                                                  Liston Bates 5                                      Matt Gauthier 7




2013 Northern Football Conference Game 10 Summary

Ottawa Invaders     33     at     Toronto Raiders      12


Invaders improve to 1-1, Raiders drop to 1-2


Qtr.        Team     Time                      Play                                                                       Convert                         Running


1st        Raid    5:16     Isiah Wiltshire, 6 yard run                              no good                       Raid 6-0

2nd        Ott       1:18     Andrew Foss from Jeff Hildreth, 23 yards    Jeff Morris                  Ott 7-6

2nd        Ott       14:05   Safety touch, tackle in end zone                     n/a                               Ott 9-6

2nd        Ott       14:18   Bobby Massie from Jeff Hildreth, 65 yards   Jeff Morris                  Ott 16-6

3rd        Ott       6:09     Andrew Foss from Jeff Hildreth, 5 yards      Jeff Morris                  Ott 23-6

3rd        Ott       11:39   Adam Gourgon, 1 yard run                            Jeff Morris                  Ott 30-6

4th        Raid    3:03     Phil Dixon from Mark Simone, 42 yards        no good                       Ott 33-12




Ottawa                                    Raiders


Rushing (att.-yds.)                  24-127                                     36-213

Passing Yards                         363                                          60

– Team Losses                         -5                                             -2

Net Offence                            485                                          271

First Downs                            not recorded properly             not recorded properly

Return Yards                          92                                            135

Fumbles-Lost                          1-0                                           0-0

Interceptions by                      4                                              0

Penalties-Yards                       4-35                                         11-75



INVADERS                           RAIDERS


Rushing (atts.-yds.)                  Adam Gourgon 11-81, td       George Baiden 5-33

T J Williams 8-33                    Isiah Wiltshire 3-28, td

John McNulty 1-7                   Myles Daly 8-(-4)

Receiving (cat.-yds.)                Andrew Foss 8-116, 2 tds        Marc Robinson Weekes 1-45

Taylor Cawley 5-80                Phil Dixon 1-42, td

Bobbie Massie 2-77, td                        Alain Lundi 1-22


Passing                                    Jeff Hildreth 17-23-3-0           Mark Simone 3-8-1-2

(comp.-atts.-tds-int)                Leith Fisken 4-10-0-0             Phil Dixon 2-5-0-1

Chris Foster 0-5-0-1

Tackles                                    Trevor Shaw 4                         Paul Fraser 8



2013 Northern Football Conference Game 11 Summary

Sarnia Imperials     31     at     Tri City Outlaws     37


Outlaws improve to 2-1, Imperials drop to 1-2


Qtr.        Team     Time                      Play                                                                       Convert                         Running


1st        Srn       3:48     Kevin McMillan from Ricky Gorton, 48 yards            Kevin Allaer                Srn 7-0

1st        TCO    7:09     Aron Froese from Jeff Nosal, 60 yards          Mark Urban                 7-7

1st        Srn       14:18   Kevin Allaer, ?? yard field goal                      n/a                               Srn 10-7

2nd        TCO    3:17     Kyle Cherry, 1 yard run                                  Mark Urban                 TCO 14-10

2nd        Srn       6:57     Kevin McMillan from Ricky Gorton, 20 yds.  Kevin Allaer                Srn 17-14

2nd        TCO    10:58   Mark Urban, rouge                                          n/a                               Srn 17-15

3rd        Srn       1:28     Julian Shadd Gentry, 27 yard run                   Kevin Allaer                Srn 24-15

3rd        TCO    6:03     Kris Kusch, 1 yard run                                    Mark Urban                 Srn 24-22

3rd        Srn       7:48     Kevin McMillan from Ricky Gorton, 40 yds.  Kevin Allaer                Srn 31-22

3rd        TCO    12:01   Shawn Ashe from Jeff Nosal, 47 yards          Mark Urban                 Srn 31-29

4th        TCO    11:53   Kris Kusch, 13 yard run                                  Shawn Ashe (2)          TCO 37-31



Sarnia                                     Tri City


Rushing (att.-yds.)                  22-85                                       38-236

Passing Yards                         187                                          306

– Team Losses                         -10                                           -6

Net Offence                            262                                          536

First Downs                            10                                            17

Return Yards                          82                                            93

Fumbles-Lost                          0-0                                           0-0

Interceptions by                      0                                              1

Penalties-Yards                       4-16                                         8-75



IMPERIALS                         OUTLAWS


Rushing (atts.-yds.)                  Julian Shadd Gentry 8-63, td         Kyle Cherry 10-114, td

Ricky Gorton 6-9                    Jeff Nosal 9-63

Cory Johnson 1-7                    Kris Kusch 9-37, 2 tds

Receiving (cat.-yds.)                Kevin McMillan 4-119, 3 tds   Shawn Ashe 4-85, td

Matt Goulais 3-40                   Cody DesRochers 3-68

Cory Johnson 1-15                  Aron Froese 1-60, td


Passing                                    Ricky Gorton 10-19-3-1         Jeff Nosal 11-23-3-0


Tackles                                    John Bain 5.5                          Kris Kusch 7

                                      Daniel White 5.5


2013 Northern Football Conference Game 12 Summary

Montreal Transit     56     at     Sudbury Spartans     0


Transit improve to 2-1, Spartans drop to 1-2


Qtr.        Team     Time                      Play                                                                       Convert                         Running


1st        Mtl      2:33     Thegan Bilardy from Mathieu Rene, 36 yds. Matt Trudeau              Mtl 7-0

1st        Mtl      7:20     Andrew Hamilton, 37 yard run                      Matt Trudeau              Mtl 14-0

1st        Mtl      9:40     Lusson Pierre, 15 yard blocked punt return    Matt Trudeau              Mtl 21-0

2nd        Mtl      1:37     Nigel Thomas from Mathieu Rene, 9 yds.      Matt Trudeau              Mtl 28-0

2nd        Mtl      5:34     Samuel Fournier, 14 yard run                         Matt Trudeau              Mtl 35-0

2nd        Mtl      14:56   Samuel Fournier, 1 yard run                           Matt Trudeau              Mtl 42-0

3rd        Mtl      2:40     Andrew Hamilton, 1 yard run                                    Matt Trudeau              Mtl 49-0

3rd        Mtl      6:19     Patrick Jerome, 47 yard punt return                Matt Trudeau              Mtl 56-0




Montreal                                Sudbury


Rushing (att.-yds.)                  23-187                                     31-104

Passing Yards                         144                                          25

– Team Losses                         0                                              -11

Net Offence                            331                                          118

First Downs                            16                                            11

Return Yards                          207                                          88

Fumbles-Lost                          0-0                                           2-2

Interceptions by                      2                                              2

Penalties-Yards                       11-125                                     8-83



TRANSIT                              SPARTANS


Rushing (atts.-yds.)                  Andrew Hamilton 10-110, 2 tds     Josh Cuomo 14-55

Samuel Fournier 6-28, 2 tds    Scott Smith 17-49

Mathieu Rene 1-22

Receiving (cat.-yds.)                Theagan Bilardy 3-71, td        James Howatt 2-22

Patrick Jerome 1-40                Jacob Green 1-5

Jourdain Alexis 1-12               Kyle Kirby 1- (-2)


Passing                                    Mathieu Rene 6-6-2-1             Travis Campbell 4-12-0-2

(comp.-atts.-tds-int)                Jourdain Alexis 2-4-0-1

Tackles                                    Ryan Perry 4                           Dustin Crowder 4



2013 Northern Football Conference

Current Standings                           as of June 9th


Team                                                      Won       Lost        Tied        OT Loss                  For          Aga.        Pts.

Durham Hawkeyes                          2              0              0              0                              43           30           4

Montreal Transit *                           2              1              0              0                              107         20           2

Ottawa Invaders                              1              1              0              0                              49           39           2

Toronto Raiders                                                1              2              0              0                              44           79           2


Team                                                      Won       Lost        Tied        OT Loss                  For          Aga.        Pts.

Tri City Outlaws                                 2              1              0              0                              57           77           4

Sault Ste. Marie Steelers              2              1              0              0                              88           21           4

Sarnia Imperials                                                1              2              0              0                              90           69           2

Sudbury Spartans                            1              2              0              0                              58           129         2

Oakville Longhorns                          0              2              0              0                              28           100         0

*Montreal was found to have used an ineligible player in week 1, forfeit to the Hawkeyes

Any ties are broken by head to head and then fewest points allowed

June 8th scores                                                                                     

Oakville                                0              at            Sault Ste. Marie                                49

Ottawa                 33           at            Toronto Raiders                                12

Sarnia                    31           at            Tri City                                  37

Montreal             56           at            Sudbury                               0

Coming up June 15th

7:00        Beckwith                             Durham                                @            Ottawa

7:00        U of Waterloo                   Oakville                                                @            Tri City

7:00        Queen’s                               Sault Ste. Marie                                @            Sudbury

7:30        College Notre Dame       Toronto Raiders                                @            Montreal

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