OPC: Adaptability could hold advantage for Team East JV QB Keenan

The countdown begins to CanadaFootballChat.com Ontario Prospect Challenge on the May1st weekend.  In the days leading up to OPC, CFC will preview the teams, coaches and players participating in the big event.

Throughout his time at the quarterback position, James Keenan has always shown his adaptability in any situation thrown at him.

“Certain opponents require certain skill sets from the quarterback position to compete,” elaborated the 5’10, 150 pound pivot.  “By adapting to the defence, I can be more effective on the field.”

Keenan has been an effective standout since he began his gridiron career at the age of nine with the Bell Warriors of the National Capital Amateur Football Association (NCAFA). Currently, the quarterback is embarking on his junior varsity career with the Ottawa Myers Riders of the Ontario Varsity Football League (OVFL).

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For the Ontario standout, the highlight of his gridiron carer thus far is a toss-up between two events.

“Winning the OVFL Bantam Championship, and leading my Bell Warriors Peewee on a last minute drive to win semi-finals which propelled our team into the A cup finals are the best football moments,” added Keenan.

With both teams, Keenan’s passion for playing pivot has run rampant for one specific reason.

“I feel that the quarterback position mixes athleticism, speed, strength, and decision making,” explained the Ontario standout.  “For me it is the best position to use all of my skills.”

In his quest to use his strengths, he mirrors his game to one NFL star quarterback from the Seattle Seahawks.

“I look up to Russell Wilson and try to model my game after the way he plays,” expressed Keenan.  “He is a smart quarterback who can threaten the defense with his legs and his arm.”

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Two weeks from today, Keenan will add another event to his gridiron experience as he will participate at the Ontario Prospect Challenge (OPC) as a member of Team East junior varsity squad.  He credits one individual for his introduction to OPC.

“I learned about OPC from the President of Bell Warriors [Paul Stewart],” recalled the Team East pivot.  “It sounded like a great opportunity to compete, work with great coaches and the exposure will be good.”

“I am looking forward to playing with some of the best football players in Ontario and improving my skill set.”

During the entire OPC process, Keenan has enjoyed the experience of working with the coaching staff as it has always helped him to grow and develop more.

“I have been working with the Quarterbacks Coach, Wayne Jacobs and it has been excellent for my mechanics and footwork,” commented the Ontario standout.  “The entire coaching staff is professional, welcoming, extremely knowledgeable and great to work with.”

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Furthermore, he is looking forward to the different roles of being a teammate and a competitor.

“I am pretty excited to work with our entire offensive team; it is a strong group,” said Keenan.  “It will be great to play some of the Toronto teams.”

With the OPC as an avenue to gain the attention of recruiters by making an impression, Keenan has already given some thought as to future plans.  The Class 2018 pivot would like to pursue a science degree and is already considering three OUA schools – Western, Queen’s and Guelph.

By participating in the event, Keenan hopes it will get him one step further to achieving his ultimate goal.

“I want to play at the university level,” offered the Team East quarterback.

(twitter: http://twitter.com/vohra_ameeta)





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