STA Flames DB excited to commit to Guelph

Guelph welcomes London-area commit to 2017 class.

There is nothing quite like standing on a university campus and soaking in the unexplainable feeling that this is where you belong. Just ask Joe Diorio, a defensive back from St. Thomas Aquinas, and he will tell you the same thing after committing to Guelph University.

It was a summer fling that developed into something so much more for Diorio, who’s football career has only spanned over three years. “When I first came to Guelph, it was for the summer high school camp in grade 11. I fell in love with the program right away. The team atmosphere was something I’ve never seen before and it made me feel at home,” he said.

In his young career, Diorio has suited up for the St. Thomas Aquinas Flames (Thames Valley Regional Athletics) in his hometown of London, Ontario. When he reaches the Gryphon’s locker room, there will be a few young men that he has already had the pleasure of meeting.

“One huge factor for me was all the St. Thomas Aquinas alumni who also went and still go to Guelph. It just felt right for me to go there,” Diorio said.

Along with knowing some future teammates, Diorio is also familiar with the Guelph coaching staff. “The coaching staff is great. I first met Coach Carter, my defensive coordinator, at an Ontario Prospect Challenge tryout. We then later reconnected this year at the Guelph high school camp. After that, he and the staff showed a lot of interest in me and then I signed,” he said.

Since he first stepped foot onto the gridiron in grade ten, Diorio has accumulated some recognition for his defensive prowess. In 2015, he was named the defensive back MVP at the Guelph summer camp. In 2016, he was named as overall MVP for his high school team. When he reaches Guelph, Diorio said he is interested in taking criminology.

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