The game has taken a hold of DB Eshiemomoh

Anthony Eshiemomoh, has only been playing football for three years, but the game has taken a hold of him and he has never looked back.

A current member of MCLA in the Calgary High School Athletic Association in Alberta, Anthony plays defensive back and free safety. This position is one where you need to have the quickness and speed in order to prevent the opponent from scoring and/or getting first downs. When asked what he likes about playing this position he responds that he enjoys the physicality of the role as well as the ability to take away any chance that his opponent is going to beat him.

“When I play safety, I think I’m more of a cover safety and I like taking away that deep vertical threat and it also has more of a physical type of play to it, when I play corner it’s me on my own island and I like to invite the receivers one on one on my island, but it’s never a vacation for them, that’s my mindset. “

Eshiemomoh has watched many styles of play and has landed on a few players who he likes to model his style of play after. “I think I model myself after Marcus Allen from Penn state. I like his energy and his style of play and my biggest role model in the NFL would be Elie Bouka because of his playmaking ability and his achievements making it to the NFL from Canada.”

But not everyone makes it big time, so Anthony has made school be the priority in his life. “For me school definitely comes first and I hope to study engineering in university. I’m really interested in that area of study.”

Anthony also has aspirations to be a #CFC100 top 10 player. “Short term goals I think by next year being senior season, I want to be a CFC top 100 top 10 player. I think that’s an honour that a lot of Canadian kids definitely strive for and long term I hope to play football at the next level and be successful wherever that takes me.”

The #CFC100 list is only one avenue to get noticed, but the recruitment process has many facets and steps that need to be realized before one signs on the dotted line. When we asked how this recruiting process has been thus far, Anthony responded that he has already spoken with numerous CIS schools, as well as some D1 schools.

“For me recruiting wise I’ve talked to numerous CIS schools like StFX, McMaster, UBC. I think that’s going well and I’ve also talked to a couple D1 schools including Montana, Georgia southern and Northern Arizona.” His top three schools for consideration right now would be Georgia Southern, Montana, and Northern Arizona.

In order to get here, Anthony believes his biggest tools are his willingness to learn and to compete. He also believes that his desire to compete and be the best at his spot from the get go are attributes that you need to have to adjust to that next level.

“I think my biggest tools will be my willingness to learn and compete, at the next level the coaching is second to none and I think you have to want to compete for a spot the minute you step on campus.”

During the off-season, Anthony will be working on his hip function and flexibility more then usual and he states that he would also like to gain some weight in order to be able to meet the demands at the senior level.

“This off season I think I want to work on my hip fluidity and my flexibility a little bit more and I want to gain 15 pounds to fill out my frame because I think that will give me an edge going into senior year.”

And going into your senior year is no joke. The people that surround you often play a large role in the successes that you work for. Anthony states that his parents have had a large influence in his life. “In life, definitely my parents, they taught me hard work in school and also gave me the chance to play the game which has put me in an amazing position.”

When it comes to the people who have influenced him the most on the field, Anthony accredits his knowledge to a few coaches. “In the game a few coaches, Coach Bowron he got me into the game really and he also drove our bus from Airdrie to Calgary everyday and being very supportive and my defensive coach this year Coach Slatcher he helped me a lot with the game but also helped me mentally through the tough parts of the season and telling me to enjoy the game which is what it’s all about.”

Enjoying the game is all encompassing and with that comes comes pre-game and gameday rules that any sportsman knows you don’t mess with. Eshiemomoh likes to chow down on a pre-game meal of chicken with pasta before he starts his gameday rituals and states, “I always like to have everything perfectly organized I go to bed at a certain time, listen to a few of the same exact songs on the bus ride things like that.”

Enjoying the game, ultimately, is what makes sport so pure. It brings out a passion in those who succumb to the wonder of teamwork, hard work, and incredible highs and lows that keep us all coming back for more. For Anthony, “Football to me is passion, it’s hardwork and family, when you’re about to go to war with your brothers on that field it’s the best feeling ever.”


Anthony Eshiemomoh
Cornerback, Safety
5’11, 170 lbs

Teams: MCLA Timberwolves (ASAA)
Official Visits: none
Commitment: none
Considerations: Georgia Southern, Montana, and Northern Arizona, open
Class: 2018


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