UTTLEY’S top prospects: Dynamic playmakers and dominate pass-rushers (ATH)

This final group of ten will feature all the young men that we have classified as the ‘athletes’. All the players in this group can play multiple positions and play them extremely well.

As you will see in the highlight film, most of these athletes can make big plays on offense, defense, or on special teams. Several of them could easily focus on one position and dominate at that position, but their coaches have chosen to play them at multiple positions and really take advantage of their athleticism.

Aside from the game breakers and the playmakers that we usually focus on when discussing the athletes, I have added two defensive players who might be best categorized as ‘tweeners’; player’s who are basically pass-rush specialists/edge players. They are extremely good at disrupting the offense. These two players could either play linebacker or defensive end at the next level.

These top athlete prospects are in no particular order.

*note – we will be featuring Quebec high school seniors in the upcoming CFC100 top prospect list, so you can expect to see more of these athletes on future lists.


Advocating for football prospects one story at a time.


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